Happy Chinese New Year 2013

by - February 09, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year 2013
wish all my reader are happiness, healthy and prosperity all the time!
Hope all of you like a snake, climb up and up and up! but dun be lazy like a snake ooo.

Thanks for the nn shutterbug & group of fashionfabulous get together to have a great Chinese New Year photo shooting at Thean Hou Gong, in a Saturday early morning, 

another highlight of the photo shooting is  Devil got the chance to meet with Jimmy Choo and have he is wearing chinese tradisional as well!! Ang Ang mou hai lang (red color wont harm people)

Thanks Cove ( https://www.facebook.com/cove.fb?group_id=0www.cove.com.my )   for loaning ur the tradisional yet trendy cheongsam


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