CongratZz to KK Passed City & Guild Pratical Exam

by - December 06, 2011

Again How i Been Transformed ?
It is my honor to become model for his BIG DAY!!
KK's City & Guild Pratical Exam @ Kimarie Academy!

Check It Out! 

Good Luck to Your Exam!
Do Your Best Ya!

About 8:30am reached Kimarie Academy
SS2 Branch.
candidates are allocated to a seat with their name on the mirror.
Here is the one for KK.
where i seated as well!

Before Wua been Hair Makeover!

1st he need to been brief with the tutor
then starting to prepare himself to 
transform me to a stylish girl
"i am the only short hair girl"

product that KK using for the day.

excited to waiting a new transformation.

quick wash my hair.

washing in process!

chopping my hair for a style before 
dying new color!

Hair Color In process
takes about 1 hour plus.

New HairColor + New Hair Style

Copper Color
Layered Bob Style.

Yeah! He is passed his Pratical Exam Smoothly~

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