Yummy! Nice!
Who's Cooking It!
Yummy! Nice!
Who's Cooking It!
Is Wua!
![]() |
Raw Ingredient of Candle Light Dinner |
De-frosting the lamb
Cooking In Progress...
(No Photo Allowed!)
(Kick My Dear out from Kitchen!!)
Cooking In Progress...
(No Photo Allowed!)
(Kick My Dear out from Kitchen!!)
Starter : Salad
Main Courses: Lamb Steak with Black Pepper Sauces
Main Courses: Lamb Steak with Black Pepper Sauces
Happy Birthday Dear Dear!
Love You Always!
Love You Always!
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哟!恶魔要Starbuck Hot Chocolate.
哟!恶魔要Starbuck Hot Chocolate.
(水肿,暗淡无光 ^^)
右边: 姨妈还在!可是有救星了!
Sophie Monk Beauty: Radiant Brightening Lifting Mask
Sophie Monk Beauty: 晶亮美白双提拉面膜
Sophie Monk Beauty: Radiant Brightening Lifting Mask
Sophie Monk Beauty: 晶亮美白双提拉面膜
Sophie Monk Beauty: 晶亮美白双提拉面膜 向 大家 说 :Hello!
快!跟您的双下巴说:SAYONARA OH! BYE BYE!!
敷MASK 的恶魔哦!
Sophie Monk Beauty Forever!
Watson's Malaysia 有的卖哦!
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其实 我对面具舞会 的 了解不是很深 ,可是在WEVENT 的一周年纪念舞会 给这一个主题 。
每一个出席的美女们 都必须戴上面具。那意味她们可以不用以自己的身份来出席。
我也爽爽 的参加了他们的“面具女王”比赛 !
第一, 你需要拟定一个你要扮演的角色让观众们猜你是谁?
第二, 然后,你就要为您的角色做一场戏,唱歌,跳舞(3-5分钟)以说服观众您是当晚的“面具女王”。。
第三, 想好后, 你就可以去到 NOSE 所取赞借的鞋子 来陪称你的服装。
第四, 当天的时候你还可以得到 A CUT ABOVE 的头发的照型和I Nouvi Professional 的美妆。
第五, 让你在观众面前表演一场,拉拉票。
第六, 得到观众最多票的参赛者,就可以荣获“面具女王”的头衔。
第一位: Liliah Wah
第四位:Rane Chin
第五位:Lwen Li
第七位:Coreen B
第九位:Sanny Chai
第一位:Audrey Hepburn 。第二位:灰姑娘。
第七位:Genie From Aladdin's
第十位:女版的Pirates of the Carribean。
然后呢!就到 Winnie Loo & Rina Neoh给我们评语,可是这可没有加入分数。
Winnie Loo 说了一句启发了我:上到台上后,您就要全力以赴 表演到最好!
Rina Neoh 也赞了我一下下说!我够娇的扮演的我的角色。谢谢!
The Most Supportive Blogger
得奖者是Tammy Lim.
The Most Participative Contributor/Volunteer
得奖者是Soo Kuen
The Most Regular Attendee(排名不分先后)
Tammy Lim
Fatin Feisal
恶魔得到了一个粉红包包(Nose 赞助)
第三名:灰姑娘的Charlotte Gan
第二名: 女猎人的Janoah!
我们的面具女王是Liliah Wah!
I nouvi Proffesional, Axxexxx, A Cut Above, Nose s所赞助!
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Jacob's Walk of Life is back, and this year, we invite you to Pledge To Health by being part of this yearly event.
Come join us as we embark on a mission towards getting Malaysians to Take The First Step Towards Better Health. Learn how Jacob's can contribute to a healthier you with fun filled activities for you and your loved ones. You can register for this exciting event from 20 June 2011 onwards. But hurry, though, as only 7,000 slots are up for grabs.
Each successful online registrant will get a goody bag and a free T-shirt. Plus, you can also register up to six persons (including yourself) in just one sign-up with our online group registration feature.
Joining us at the event are Hot FM DJ Fara and My FM DJs Jack and Mei Yan, so be prepared to get thoroughly entertained after sweating it out! Supported by co-sponsors Anlene, Mizuno and Fitness First , Jacob's Walk of Life 2011 is set to walk the talk in making Malaysia healthier.
Slots are limited so book your place now. Let’s take the first step and walk towards greater wellbeing with Jacob's!
Registration closes by : 8 July 2011 OR upon reaching 7,000 participants (whichever comes first)
Date : 17 July 2011 (Sunday)
Venue : Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam
Time : Registration 6am–7.30am
Walk starts 8.30am
For any enquiries, please email us at jacobswol2011@redeventskl.com
Register Urself Here!
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MAC is actually launching a Bloggers’ Collection. Beauty brand has teamed up with nine of its favorite beauty bloggers to custom-create their own collection, the Bloggers’ Obsessions collection.
Eyeshadow ($14.50 US):
Beauty Blogging Junkie – Amber Katz: Sparkle Neely, Sparkle
Temptalia – Christine Mielke: Jealousy Wakes
Lipstick Powder N Paint – Lesley Ellen Mirza: Parisian Skies
The Makeup Girl – Lianne Farbes: Hocus Pocus
Lipglass ($14.50 US):
Makeup and Beauty Blog – Karen Monterichard: Evolution Revolution
Afrobella – Patrice Yursik: All Of My Purple Life
Beauty Maverick – Lily Nima: Caqui
The Shades of U – Aileen De Los Angeles: Sonoran Rain
Nitrolicious – Wendy Lam: Nitro:licious 2046
This limited edition Bloggers’ Obsession Collection will be available exclusively online at www.MACCosmetics.com on June 21st, 2011.
Sources from : http://blog.olyafirst.com/2011/06/02/mac-bloggers-obsessions-collection/
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Positive Living with Healthy Liver.
XTREME Men's workshop for REAL MEN
XTREME Men's workshop for REAL MEN is happening on 2nd July 2011 @ Galactic Laser, Mid Valley. Only 5 SEATS to be given away for 5 Male Watsons VIP Card Members! Hurry on up and email us your name, Watsons VIP Card Number & Contact number to mywatsons.contest@gmail.com & join us for laser- shooting fun and many more!! Hurry, registration ends 26th June.
KUALA LUMPUR – Festival Bunga dan Taman Putrajaya (Floria 2011) yang akan berlangsung pada 9 Julai hingga 11 Julai depan di Presint 2, Putrajaya memilih tema Ros Untuk Selamanya.
Menurut laman web Perbadanan Putrajaya, Floria 2011 akan mempertontonkan koleksi terbesar ros yang pernah dipamerkan di Malaysia dalam suasana taman.
“Floria 2011 bakal melibatkan pameran lebih 100 spesies bunga ros terdiri dari spesies hibrid, floribunda, grandiflora, miniature, pepanjat, tanaman renek dan pokok. Semuanya akan dipamerkan dengan rekabentuk taman di luar dan di dalam khemah pameran.
“Lebih 400 ribu tumbuhan berbunga akan dipamerkan dan sebahagiannya adalah dari spesies ros,” katanya.
Tema Ros Untuk Selamanya dipilih berdasarkan simbolik bunga ros yang dikaitkan dengan elemen cinta dan kasih sayang yang berkekalan sesama manusia.
Floria 2011 akan mempamerkan koleksi bunga ros dalam bentuk permaidani bunga gergasi, taman pameran dan lot jualan.
Turut diwujudkan taman terapi yang menyediakan perkhidmatan seperti urutan kaki, tangan dan bahu, refleksologi dan spa kepada pengunjung pada harga yang berpatutan.
Acara tersebut dianjurkan oleh Perbadanan Putrajaya dan disokong oleh Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar.
Berikut adalah maklumat mengenai Floria 2011:
Festival Bunga &
Taman Putrajaya 2011
Tarikh: 9 – 17 Julai 2011
Tempat: Pesisiran Tasik, Presint 2, Putrajaya
Tema: Ros Untuk Selamanya
Waktu Buka:
9 pagi-10 malam (Isnin-Khamis)
9 pagi-12 tengah malam (Jumaat-Ahad)
Bayaran Masuk – Percuma
Maklumat lanjut layari: http://www.ppj.gov.my/putrajayafloria/floriabm.html
P/S : Dunno Will TT Bring Me go this Floria or not le??? up to 4000 sepsis of roses!
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Grab your Sophie Monk Products at Watsons Outlets As Shown Above
As from my understand, Sophie Monk Beauty was launched at Watson Outlets, April 2011 recently.
Sophie Monk Beauty's Best Seller Product at Watsons Are :
BlackHead Set
~They had restock 2 times from Taiwan as it is
Out of Stock at Watson Outlet!
How Powerful is this Product~
Out of Stock at Watson Outlet!
How Powerful is this Product~
Anti Acne Set
Brightening Eye Gel
Hydrating Moisturizer Jelly
Missed last Roadshow @ Tesco Ampang & Cheras Leisure Mall?
Not to Worry !!!
On Going & Up-Coming Roadshow :
Klang Valley
13/6-19/6: Pavillion
20/6-26/6: Jusco Cheras Selatan
20/6-26/6: Jusco Cheras Selatan
20/6-26/6: Mid Valley
24/6-26/6: Jusco Tebrau
(1) Buy RM58 free Gift set worth RM 41.30 ! (Believe It Or Not!)
Check It Out !
(5x Face Masks + 1 Eye Mask)
(2) Free Sampling Activity for customers who give "like" in Sophiemonk facebook
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