Charles Worthington Buy 1 Free 1 Promotion.
Happy Charles Worthington's Product Family! |
Actual Size V.S Takeaway Size |
After been using Charles Worthington for 1 month, I really get a lot of compliments on my hair!
My Answer : Using Charles Worthington’s Product will get u this result!
Friends: “But if Charles Worthington’s Product not suit me then how?
Promotion valid until 22 June 2011 GRAB it Fast !!!!! |
Devil: Come! Come! Come! Let me be your consultant and now Wastsons have buy 1 free 1 promotion for takeaway size (75ml), only RM9.90 !!!
Friends:” Sure, Let give a try! “
1st I will help them to do the personalize consultation at
Then Heading to Watson’s to grab all the suitable
takeaway shampoo & conditioner for my friends
takeaway shampoo & conditioner for my friends
I got mine at Cheras Leisure Mall.
I got mine at Cheras Leisure Mall.
Friends that wanted to get a hair condition change with their 1st
Charles Worthington's Hair Product!
Charles Worthington's Hair Product!
Miko Bling Bling with Moisture Seal Shampoo & Moisture Seal Conditioner
(Current Condition: Dry Hair with Flat, she hope to get a moisturized hair with volume after 1 weeks)
Mummy with Brilliant Shine Shampoo &Conditioner
(Current Condition: Dry & Very dull hair, She really need a Brilliant Shine to her hair!)
1 more friend is using Frizz-Free Shampoo & Frizz-Free Conditioner
But she dun wan to show her photo for before.
but she still excited to try out the product and get a frizz free hair!
but she still excited to try out the product and get a frizz free hair!
STAY TUNED their result after 1 week!!
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