As i Like My StuFf 2 B In CuTe , Swe3t, n NiC3, So I DeCid3d to MaK3 SoM3 B3nT0 StRaP 2 B My BenT0 Box Cut3 Cut3 De.. Haha.
今天我为我的便当盒扮美美, 就做了一些可爱的绷带来装饰它们。。美丽,可爱吗??
LoNg TiMe DIn HoLd NeeDle N StrInG , It is FuN 2 Do So Lo.... HaPy NjOy!!
Last and But No Least , V Have t3mPuRa Fr3nch B3an. Yum Yum!!