MaskSlim : Malaysia One Stop Mask & Slimming Solution

by - August 18, 2012

“Have a Wonderful Day” – a combination of beauty, fresh, healthy, joyful & unique – these are well representing of MaskSlim.

MaskSlim was launched in June 2012. It has attracted the attention of different ethnics and people from all walks of life with its numerous brands to choose from (Masque: Head to Toe; Slimming Product: Whole Body Series; Body Care: Hair Wash & Body Wash), its versatile presentation of merchandise and distinctive concept of shop image.

The brand that MaskSlim positions in the market is to set at different ages and different racial from composition of brand & unique merchandise to the exclusive joyful shopping environment.

With the idea of “being the peak of personal beauty” MaskSlim expresses on attitude of personal efforts, healthy lifestyle and stand of being the best companion of the busy times.

MaskSlim is wholly owned by Beauty Majesty Sdn Bhd. MaskSlim gives customers a new concept of store whereby everyone can get all type of masks and slimming products under one roof. We categorise our products by face, eye, chin, foot and etc.

We have various brands of products for women and men to choose from such as Annie’s Way, Mini Princess, Vanedo, MY BEAUTY DIARY, HADABISEI, THE SAEM, DERMAL, BEAUTEE, iSPRING and etc.

The first outlet was opened at Berjaya Times Square and followed by Sungei Wang Plaza and SS2. More outlets are coming soon to fulfill mask addicts!

MaskSlim has also became Malaysia sole distributor for Annie’s Way products. 

 ~Annie's Way 品牌故事~


2009年創立新品牌Annie’s Way。由於台灣人一年用掉1億兩千多萬片面膜面膜品牌和種類多到數不清。 2010新的一年我們規畫了Annie’s Way 新的通路可以為消費者創造出專屬客製化的面膜專賣店品項即將開發高達100種以上各式面膜包含保濕、美白、抗皺、淨痘、舒緩系列果凍冰晶系列其他部位(眼膜、手膜、足膜、唇膜、腹膜、胸膜…etc) 應有盡有完全滿足消費者各種部位和膚質的需求。 我們80% 面膜所採用是日本進口木漿紙的優點: 1. 鎖水性能將精華液均勻分布在面膜紙上擁有充足的保水度 2. 服貼性無需像傳統不織布要調整整合密度即可達到肌膚百分百服貼的感受 3. 保濕性因紙張具有鎖水效果精華液較不易蒸發。 我們的產品都有經過SGS檢驗合格才出廠和產品1000萬的保險消費者皆可安心使用我們的產品。
愛敷面膜的你來Annie’s Way 就對了Annie’s Way 的面膜絕對會讓您的美麗加分~

Annie’s Way began in 2009 with over 100 types of assorted functions of masks and for various parts of the body which include face, eye, lip, foot and hand to satisfy everyone’s special needs.

The butterfly of Annie’s Way logo symbolises the emancipation of a caterpillar which eventually transformed into a beautiful butterfly after putting on the mask. The same applies to everyone.  You could be prettier with eternal bright and radiance after putting on Annie’s Way mask.  

Annie’s Way is also No.1 Best Selling in TaoBao Net. People from China and Taiwan are crazy over Annie’s Way products. That is why we decided to bring Annie’s Way to Malaysia so that everyone in Malaysia able to buy the products with hassle free.

Currently we are selling 6 different types of Annie’s Way jelly masks. There are Arbutin & Hyaluronic Acid Brightening Jelly Mask, Lavender Relaxing Jelly Mask, Italy Red Wine Jelly Mask and etc.

As for the sheet type mask, we carry 6 different ranges and for each range there are 5 different functions. For example, for moisture range, there are cactus extract hydrating mask, hyaluronic acid hydrating mask, honey deep moisturizing mask and so on.

Annie’s Way also came out with 3 special care of mask for mask lovers who would like to pay more attention on their eye area and skin contouring. There are eye mask, 3D Elasticity Lift Up mask and Supreme Diamond Light Feather mask.

We also have special edition for various celebration and occasions like Valentine’s Day couple set or packed in red envelop for wedding day. So in total there are 35 assorted of choices.

Even Annie's Way Official Fans Pages also recommended Malaysia's Annie's Way User to buy from Maskslim Here

Check Out More @

Enjoy Your Masking Time!

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