Women's Beauty Supplement Review : Femingra By Max Well Health

by - February 15, 2018


今天让恶魔来介绍 Femingra By Max Well Health
Femingra By Max Well Health 让你恢复性欲,荷尔蒙,体力。

Femingra 保健品 里头有 8 样超级食品!

1. Pine Pollen, 松花粉
+ Contains 8 types of essential amino acids, 含有8种必需氨基酸
+ Recent trends in Superfood, 超级食品的最新趋势
+ Anti aging agent,抗老化剂
+ Recovery of sexual desire, 恢复性欲
+ Balancing hormones, 平衡荷尔蒙
+ Restore stamina & vitality, 恢复耐力和活力
+ Prevent illness, 预防疾病

2. Passion fruit, 百香果
+ Rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins, 富含营养素,矿物质和维生素
+ High antioxidant content, 高抗氧化剂含量
+ Helps increase blood circulation, 有助于增加血液循环
+ Smoothes the digestion, 修复消化系统
+ Stimulate the body's immune system, 刺激人体的免疫系统
+ Strengthen the bones, 加强骨骼

3. Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium), 角质山羊杂草(淫羊藿)
+ Stimulates women's libido & sexual force, 刺激女性的性欲,
+ Promote blood flow, 促进血液循环
+ Helps to balance hormones during PMS or menopause, 有助于在PMS或更年期期间平衡荷尔蒙
+ Contains icariins that help reduce menopausal symptoms, 含有帮助减少更年期症状的淫羊藿苷

4. Maca root
+ A great aphrodisiac, 伟大的春药
+ Balancing sex hormones, 平衡性激素
+ Increase sexual desire, 增加性欲望
+ Adjust menopausal symptoms such as body heat, sleep disorders, sweating during the night, and depression, 调整更年期症状,如体温,睡眠障碍,夜间出汗和抑郁症
+ Stimulants of female fertility, 女性生殖兴奋剂

5. Manjakani
+ Tightening female internal tissues, 收紧女性内部组织
+ skin firming, 皮肤紧致
+ Best for vagina or uterine prolapse, abnormality of uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge and abnormal lung in the vagina, 最适合阴道或子宫脱垂,子宫出血异常,阴道分泌物
+ Eliminate odors in the genital area, 减少生殖异味
+ Helps to tighten breasts , 帮助收紧乳房

6. Habbatus Sauda
+ Helps to control menstrual bleeding, 有助于控制月经出血
+ Controls the intensity of the monthly cycle, 控制每月周期的强度
+ Reduce digestive problems, 减少消化问题
+ A good moisturizer for skin & hair, 皮肤和头发的良好保湿剂
+ Has anti-inflammatory properties, 具有抗炎特性
+ Very high antioxidant非常高抗氧化剂

7. Tribulus Terrestris, 刺蒺藜
+ Improve sexual performance and sensitivity of women, 改善女性的性表现和敏感度
+ Reduces menopause symptoms such as body heat, depression and emotional instability, 减少更年期症状,如体温,抑郁和情绪不稳定
+ Controls insomnia, high blood pressure, irritability, and loss of sexual interest, 控制失眠,高血压,易激惹和性兴趣丧失

8. Pueraria Mirifica, 葛根
+ Relieve menopause symptoms, 缓解更年期症状
+ Stimulates sexual desire, 刺激性欲
+ Increases the vaginal moisture, 增加阴道湿度
+ Increase breast size, 增大乳房
+ Promotes collagen production, 促进胶原蛋白生产
+Forever youthful, 妙齡回春

Buy Femingra Here 

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