Haul&Freebies Of The Weekend
Yeah Yeah, As i Mentioned B4,
I Wan to Grab A Royal Purple Coca-Cola Contour Glass From MCd,
Today I Got it @ Kuchai Entrepreneur Park !
So Nice Purple In Dark shade, kind A elegant stuff !!
early morning i have received the sms from mcd that informed
"Royal Purple" Glass are out on the market.
at the same time. My bf is not working that day,
we went to The Mines Shopping Mall, And planned to have our dinner @ McD.
we ordered the coca-cola set which are consist of a big set value meal + sundae...
(it is our 1st time to have a big meal set since from long long to dine in McD)
then the counter got purple and blue color contour glass to be choose..
i was thinking for a............. about 5min, jz to thinking
should i take my lovely purple color / blue color ????
The blue color was attracted my eye ! But I wan The purple. so confused in My Mind..
Dear Dear: Okay Today we take Blue Color,
Then Sunday I bring U 2 buy The Purple Color,
Seen The Blue is a Limited Edition For Long Time Ago, Should Take That 1.
So As A Conclusion, Dear Dear Bought Me 2 ConTour Glasses !

Actually i Have Been Using This Brand Since 4 Month ago, Jz From the Online Seller,
Their Very Good Product are the lavendar sleeping mask,
( some time u think TFS sleeping mask too pricy,
u can take a alternative on this sleeping mask, both also very moisturised)
Now I can try N See the result/texture/Scent.
Today I Bought The Moisture Aloe Essence As
I am having a sensetive skin after the "Period" time,
reddish on my cheek, Bump In cheek also.
So the BA Are recommended me to used this essence
to calming my sensetive skin 1st,
b4 goes to other concern like"whitening","pore minimized"..
The pricewise also very affortable.
This essence only : RM40.90 with 2 small trial(Emulsion&Lotion) in same range.