Day 11 of December- KLCC Deco With Dear Dear
Before Going to KLCC, Self Capture Once ,
With Very Light Make Up ! Decoration @ KLCC With Shiseido Booth!
Shiseido Booth With Zen Perfume Display
+ Lollipop , Gingerman & Gingerbread House!
Shiseido Booth With
makeover+Photo Shooting,
Manicure, X'mas gift set
Manicure, X'mas gift set
Then I head over to 3rd Floor Food Court, to Having My Lunch !
While Waiting My Dear To Order Food,
Silly Me Again With Self Capture!
Ginger Breadhouse
In Centre Court Of KLCC!
In Centre Court Of KLCC!
Finally Got Someone to Hold Camera And Take Picture For Us, Hurray !!!!
(Did U Face A Same Problem That :
U Dun Dare To Ask A Stranger To Hold A Camera ,
Due To Scare GRAB & RUN With Ur Camera ??)
Dear Dear & Wua
(Did U Face A Same Problem That :
U Dun Dare To Ask A Stranger To Hold A Camera ,
Due To Scare GRAB & RUN With Ur Camera ??)
Dear Dear & Wua
Maquillage Background & Wua
It is The Time To Go Back !

14days to my birthday!!!