Ifeel February 2011 Goodies # 2 : 150 Bloop Goodies Bag up to Grab !

by - January 25, 2011

150 份Bloop精美礼品包送ifeel 读者!(每份价值RM83..90 )
150pcs Bloop Goodies bag(worth RM83.90) exclusive for Ifeel Readers !

兑换方法:How to Redeem?
Ifeel 读者只需携带2月份的Ifeel杂志,向Bloop工作人员展示第176页的Bloop报导即可。
Just Bring along Ifeel February Issue, and shows Bloop Promoter Pg 176 write ups.

Bloop精美礼品包包括(Goodies Bag Included) :

- Bloop LOVE Moisturizing LIPSTICK (RM 28)
- Bloop MINI Single Eyeshadow (RM 18)
- Bloop MINI BATH & BODY Oil (RM 28)
- Bloop Nail Polish (RM 9.90)

日期(Date):1/2/2011 至15/2/2011
地点(Place) :
1) Bloop Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall (LG.1112A)
询问:03-56364098 (只限首50位读者)(limited for 1st 50 readers)

2) Bloop Fahrenheit 88 (S2.56)
询问:03-21417288(只限首50位读者)(limited for 1st 50 readers)

3) F & E Ipoh Parade (G40, Ground Floor)
询问:05-2417822(只限首50位读者)(limited for 1st 50 readers)

条件与规则(Term & Condition):
- 只限首150名读者 (Limited for 150 readers)
- 每人只限获取一份,先到先得,送完即止 (One gift per reader & first come first serve)
- 必须遵守特定条件与规则 (Term & Condition Apply)

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