Who is Victoria Jackson ?
Who is Victoria Jackson ?
Having achieved success as a Hollywood makeup artist, cosmetics entrepreneur and
TV infomercial pioneer, Victoria Jackson prefers to think of herself as “a goodwill
ambassador for makeup.” When women embrace self-confidence, she says, they
learn the key to success, and liking who they see in the mirror is a powerful first
step in that transformative process.“My personal philosophy has always
been, ‘When you look better, you feel better. And when you feel better, you can
change your life,’” says Jackson, who in the last dozen years has volunteered
hundreds of hours at women’s correctional facilities, hospitals and youth support
venues, teaching inner confidence through outer beauty.
A recognized trailblazer in the infomercial industry, Jackson has racked up eleven of
them for her eponymous line Victoria Jackson Cosmetics, which has enjoyed an
astounding half a billion dollars in sales, and continues to grow.
Jackson has also reached thousands of women through her two briskly selling books:
Redefining Beauty: Discovering Your Individual Beauty, Enhancing Your
Self-Esteem (Warner Books, 1993) and Make Up Your Life: Every Woman’s Guide
to the Power of Makeup (HarperCollins, 2000), a deeply personal account of her
experiences in the business which she calls one of her proudest achievements.
Married to husband Bill Guthy of infomercial giant Guthy-Renker, Victoria Jackson
is a proud mom of three children and together they make their primary residence in
Los Angeles.