NTV7 ~ Feel Good Run 2011的慈善義跑~

by - January 29, 2011

來臨的7月,跟隨感覺美好的ntv7一同健康行。這項名為《Feel Good Run 2011的慈善義跑》是為了配合ntv7 13週年台慶而設。ntv7將與觀眾及伙伴們一起於7月3日(星期日)在八打靈再也萬達鎮的Sri Pentas公司開跑!

ntv7總經理Airin Zainul 在記者會上表示:“身心健康非常重要,我們很高興能透過Feel Good Run 2011與公眾一起歡慶ntv7的13歲。這項與慈善結合的運動勢必將會為一家大小帶來無窮的樂趣。” Airin也補充道:“這項健康行以團結、健康及慈善為主,也適合各企業、機構一同參與。”

配合這項慈善義跑,ntv7也將同時舉辦小型嘉年華、舞台活動等籌款項目。屆時,ntv7也將會把所籌得的善款捐贈給特定的慈善機構,其中包括馬來西亞心臟基金會(Yayasan Jantung Malaysia) 、馬來西亞愛滋病基金會(Malaysian AIDS Foundation)、國家癌症學會(National Cancer Society)及馬來西亞自閉症協會(The National Autism Society of Malaysia)。

凡參與慈善義跑的13歲以上參賽者需繳付RM25的報名費;而12歲以下參賽者則隻需繳付RM10的報名費。這項慈善義跑共分為4組,有興趣參與《Feel Good Run 2011》的公眾可在3月19日至6月3日期間於www.ntv7.com.my/feelgoodrun進行網路報名。任何疑問或更多詳情,歡迎電郵致feelgoodrun@ntv7.com.my或撥電03-56373821查詢。

另一方面,所有參賽者都能獲得一份精裝禮袋,其中包括ntv7周邊商品及贊助商品等。所有的禮袋將可在7月1日及2日早上10時至6時到Federal Territory Amateur Athletic Association (FTAAA) , Level 2C, Multipurpose Hall, Wisma OCM, Jln Hang Jebat 50150 Kuala Lumpur 領取。凡需要郵寄禮包者隻需繳付額外的RM10的郵費即可。而順利完成健康行全程的參賽者都可獲得大會頒發的証書及紀念品一份。欲知更多詳情,請瀏覽官方網站www.ntv7.com.my。

Running Partners:
The Home of Feel Good celebrates the station’s 13th anniversary this year by
sharing the joy of being with friends and family, having fun while getting healthy,
with the Feel Good Run 2011, to be kicked off on Sunday, 3rd July, at Sri Pentas,
Bandar Utama in Petaling Jaya.
The Feel Good Run 2011 comprises a charity run with four categories,
a mini carnival, and stage events. Proceeds from the fun runs will be
channeled to selected charity.
With fees of RM25 for participants aged 13 and above and
RM10 for those aged 12 years and below,
the four categories of the charity run are as follows:

1) Feel Good Run – 7 km, aged 13 and above
2) Run with Celebrities – 3 km, aged 13 and above
3) Costume Fun Run – 3 km, aged 13 and above
4) Kids Run – 700 m, aged 12 and below

Registration is open from 19th March and closes on 19th June and can be done
online at www.ntv7.com.my/feelgoodrun.

Manual registrations can be done at the following:

-Federal Territory Amateur Athletic Association (FTAAA),
2nd Floor, Wisma OCM, Jln Hang Jebat 50150 Kuala Lumpur
-Twenty First Century Sports (M) Sdn Bhd,
No 51 Jln SS 18/6, 47500 Subang Jaya
Run enquiry please call 03-5637 3821 or E-mail to feelgoodrun@ntv7.com.my

Those who sign up for the run will each be given a race pack comprising
exclusive ntv7 merchandise
and fantastic goodies from various sponsors.
Race packs can be collected on 1st and 2nd July at
Federal Territory Amateur Athletic Association (FTAAA), Multi Purpose Hall, Wisma OCM,
Jln Hang Jebat 50150 Kuala Lumpur,
between 10am to 6pm Those who wish to get their race packs delivered to them
instead only need to pay an additional RM10.
A certificate and memento will be presented to those who successfully complete the fun runs.
With various games and stage activities lined up,
the Feel Good Run 2011 is set to be an entertaining day out for all.

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